

Pre Design

We help you define the size, scope, budget, and character of the project, as well as our fees. We prepare an initial outline and description of the work and include an organized portfolio of images that help capture and define the essence of the project. This is a living portfolio and will continue to develop as the project progresses.


Schematic Design

We hold a series of meetings with you to review and discuss drawings and proposed design solutions, working together to arrive at a clearly defined concept, schedule, and construction budget. From there, we prepare a sequence of schematic design drawings (site plan, elevation sketches, and character renderings) that illustrate the scale and relationship of program components.


Design Development

Our team works out a clear, coordinated description of all aspects of the design drawings created at this point become the basis for construction documents to follow. Documentation deepens in specificity and detail and includes comprehensive site plans, elevations, and any necessary material and equipment selections. RSA helps engage a general contractor and coordinates materials for permit and architectural review.


Construction Documentation

We prepare all necessary drawings to appropriate scale as well as a complete specifications manual that outlines general requirements and standards for construction services, systems, equipment, and workmanship required to produce the work. Decisions on design details, materials, products, finishes, and the many fine points of bidding and construction documentation all serve to reinforce the design and begin the process of translating the design into reality.


Construction Observation

Once construction is underway, we serve as our clients’ representative throughout the duration of the project to observe, assist, and coordinate services as needed to help maintain the integrity of the design and realize faithfully your special investment.

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